Making candles how hard can it be? A little googling, poking around on Instagram and off you go. But then it often doesn’t work out so well. Then come the questions about why and how; Is it the material or am I doing something wrong?

In the long run you can gain experience in the process, but why reinvent the wheel if you can use the knowledge and experience of our employees

We are happy to advise and assist you and we will of course answer a single question by telephone. If you have repeated questions, we advise you to attend a workshop. In one day you will learn all the necessary basic knowledge to make a good candle.

Making candles is especially fun and a little technical know-how ensures that it stays fun, that it works, that no unnecessary material is wasted, that the right products and raw materials are purchased.

Attending a workshop is a win-win situation for everyone:

you learn the trade and get a 10 % discount on the next order
you do not order unnecessary / wrong items

Making candles is a profession and special candles make a profession in itself.

Check back every now and then and keep up with the latest trends, get new ideas. That is also an important aspect of the Gildewerk workshops.

About Gildewerk

Gildewerk has been a reliable supplier of supplies for candle makers and/or soap makers all over the world since 1977.

Over Gildewerk

Gildewerk is al sinds 1977 een betrouwbare  leverancier van benodigdheden voor kaarsenmakerijen en/of zeepmakerijen over de gehele wereld.

À propos de Gildewerk

Gildewerk est un fournisseur fiable de fournitures pour les fabricants de bougies et / ou de savons dans le monde entier depuis 1977.

Über Gildewerk

Gildewerk ist seit 1977 ein zuverlässiger Lieferant von Lieferungen für Kerzenhersteller und/oder Seifenhersteller auf der ganzen Welt.







