Producing candles in a traditional way. All options and costs at a glance.

Candles bring color, they bring fragrance, they bring atmosphere. A beautiful candle is an indispensable element in a contemporary interior and is always a valued gift. Handmade candles differ from sleek, unimaginative factory candles. You can immediately see that it is a traditional product. A traditionally produced candle is therefore a good salable product. What are the options?

pouring candles

When casting candles, the shape of the candle is largely determined by the shape (mould) in which the candle is cast. Gildewerk has many standard shapes and if that is not enough, we can teach you to make that shape yourself with silicone that you are still missing. Here too, coloring and decorating gives the finishing touch.
The easiest way to get started is to purchase a starter set that you can use right away for around €200. The set has a Mini-Bain for mixing colors and/or one for pouring the paraffin. In both forms it is a must for any candle making.

Pouring option A: If you want to pour candles with 1-5 people within an institution

During the entire week, your initial investment in equipment is approximately € 1,250 and in raw materials € 475. With this option, entrepreneurs get a foundation to make a good start. Candle casting option A contains equipment including a Junior Casting Kettle, a hotplate, a stabyl and parts of the aforementioned starter set. Candle casting option A contains raw materials including 100 kg casting mix, dye/pills, wick.

Pouring option B: If you want to pour candles with 3-8 people within an institution

During the entire week, your initial investment in equipment is approximately € 2,750 and in raw materials € 1,375. With this option, entrepreneurs provide themselves with a complete candle making facility for casting candles. Candle casting option B contains everything under option A, supplemented with a Deco, a Junior stainless steel casting set and a Junior color set Candle casting B contains raw materials such as 250 kg casting mix, coating wax, marble wax and a larger amount of wick, dyes and molds as under option A.

Casting option professional

The previous options can easily be expanded with larger boilers and stainless steel furniture. You will then have to take into account a higher budget than with previous options.

Dipping candles

The basis for dipping candles is a simple and repetitive movement that characterizes candle dipping. During the process, the candle is built up layer by layer until it eventually becomes that high-quality candle. After that, various decoration techniques are possible to give the candle a special appearance, which clearly distinguishes itself from “normal” factory candles.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to put together a simple starter pack for dipping candles because safety prevents this. This is possible when pouring candles. Each option can be expanded with an electric lift, and maintenance contracts are also possible. We have not included our most extensive equipment, the combi-complete, in these options because we manufacture it to measure for you.

Dipping candles option A: If you want to dip candles with 2-3 people within an institution

1 to 2 days a week then your initial investment in equipment is approximately € 2,000 and in raw materials € 475. With this option, entrepreneurs get a foundation to make a good start.

Dipping candles option A includes equipment: A Junior dipping set, a Junior color set, a melter, a tensioner, dippers and more handy accessories. Dipping candles option A contains, among other things, raw materials: 100 kg T119 dipping wax, dye/pills and wick.

Dipping candles option B: If you want to dip candles with 2-5 people

During the entire week, your initial investment in equipment is approximately € 5,000 and in raw materials € 1,250. Entrepreneurs get the sturdy Combi 2, supplemented with everything needed to start up a production.

Dipping candles option B includes equipment: a Combi 2, a large melter, a deco and most of the equipment as stated under option A. Dipping candles option B includes raw materials: 250 kg T119 dip wax, coating wax, and further as under option A offered, but in larger quantities.

Dipping candles option C: If you want to dip candles with a maximum of 8 people

During the entire week, your initial investment in equipment is approximately € 8,650 and in raw materials € 2,150. Entrepreneurs buy a complete candle making business with which all facets of dipping can be achieved. Only an elevator would improve efficiency.

Dipping candles option C includes equipment: in addition to the option B specified under option B, a Combi 3D with 12 color cans. Continuity and quality in this comprehensive option. Dipping candles option C contains, among other things, raw materials: 500 kg T119 dipping wax and 100 kg coating wax and some more colorants than in option B.

For the versions with the Combi, a lift is available that can be attached to the Combi. The Junior’s also have a lift, but it must be mounted on the wall.
The elevator is again fitted with a special system to keep the level at the right point. This system is now being finalized.

Also for dipping, these configurations can be expanded at will with equipment with a larger capacity and/or custom-made furniture, our combi-complete. We are happy to advise you about this.

About Gildewerk

Gildewerk has been a reliable supplier of supplies for candle makers and/or soap makers all over the world since 1977.

Over Gildewerk

Gildewerk is al sinds 1977 een betrouwbare  leverancier van benodigdheden voor kaarsenmakerijen en/of zeepmakerijen over de gehele wereld.

À propos de Gildewerk

Gildewerk est un fournisseur fiable de fournitures pour les fabricants de bougies et / ou de savons dans le monde entier depuis 1977.

Über Gildewerk

Gildewerk ist seit 1977 ein zuverlässiger Lieferant von Lieferungen für Kerzenhersteller und/oder Seifenhersteller auf der ganzen Welt.







